Chin Augmentation With Implants

Well-proportioned facial features are generally considered a trait of beauty. When looking to bring balance to your face, augmentation with a chin implant is an effective option. Dr. James Chan and Dr. Haena Kim have helped thousands of patients achieve a harmoniously proportioned face with chin implant surgery. Our surgeons also perform other types of implants—to learn more about these options see our facial implants page.

Our Chin Augmentation Specialists in Oregon

Our double board-certified facial plastic surgeons perform chin augmentation surgery for women and men from the following communities and throughout the West Coast:

  • Portland, OR
  • Clackamas
  • Lake Oswego
  • West Linn

Chin Implants
 Before & After Photos

Case: 1 of 4
Before & After Chin Implants Case 109 View #1 View in Portland, OR

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Case: 1 of 3

Chin implant

Before & After
The decision to undergo elective medical procedures such as a chin implant often stems from an individual's desire for an improved facial appearance, especially when viewed in profile. This particular female patient sought Chin Implants in Portland, driven by her desire for a more pronounced chin that subtly, yet effectively, balances her fac... Read More
Before & After Chin Implants Case 117 View #1 View in Portland, OR

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Case: 2 of 3

Minimally invasive chin implant under local anesthesia

Before & After
For the male patient featured in the above photos, the desire for a stronger chin had been a long-contemplated part of his self-portrait. He chose to proceed with this elective medical procedure after extensive consideration and research into Chin Implants in Portland. With the confidence that his goal could be realized, this patient decided... Read More
Before & After Chin Implants Case 113 View #1 View in Portland, OR

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Case: 3 of 3

Facelift and chin implant

Before & After
Motivated by a diligent wish for a refined jawline contour, the above patient made her calculated decision to elect for a Chin Implant at Reviance Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center. Like many individuals, she desired an improvement in the appearance of her jowls and neck, and underwent a face and necklift.  In addition she opted for... Read More

Am I a Good Candidate for a Chin Implant in Portland?

We ask that our chin augmentation patients be in good physical and mental health overall. During your initial consultation with one of our surgeons, they can discuss your cosmetic goals and health history to determine if chin implant surgery is the right option for you.

How Is Chin Implant Surgery in Portland Performed?

Chin augmentation with implants can be performed in conjunction with a facelift or rhinoplasty, or independently. The two approaches are either intraoral, where an incision is made in the gumline, or externally through a small incision under your chin. The exact technique depends on several factors; your surgeon will discuss the best approach for you at your consultation.

Meet Our Facial Plastic Surgeons

Dr. James Chan and Dr. Haena Kim are highly respected specialists in facial plastic surgery. In addition to being double board-certified plastic surgeons, they are medical scientists, artists, and innovators at the forefront of regenerative aesthetic medicine. Their elevated surgical techniques and multi-modality treatment plans help you look and feel your best.

Request A Consultation

Dr. James Chan

Meet Dr. Chan

Dr. Haena Kim

Meet Dr. Haena Kim

How Much Do Chin Implants in Portland Cost?

The cost for chin augmentation with an implant will depend on your overall needs and cosmetic desires. Generally, insurance will not cover the cost of the procedure, and it is your obligation to determine this. Our Réviance® Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center staff is happy to discuss pricing and financing options with you during your initial consultation.

Double board-certified facial plastic surgeons, Dr. James Chan and Dr. Haena Kim

Discover the Réviance Difference Today

Contact Réviance® Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center today to request a consultation online or call (503) 953-1230. We will take the time to guide you through the entire process, ensuring results that fully satisfy your aesthetic needs.
